Wismar University |
The PLDA-Vox Juventa is an open call for student’s papers on lighting design. It takes place on PLDA World Conferences and on meetings like Wismar LightSymposium. I was fortunate to be selected with my research on the history of lighting design in Spain and I was in charge to open the Vox Juventa sessions on the second day of the symposium. All the presentations were broadcasted live on the internet and they are still available:
(I consider this initiative from the organization as a must-do for future conferences and events, and I must congratulate them for it.)
Among the six different presentations the scope varied from deep and innovative research investigations to more artistic or creative works. The organisation committee and the members of the jury were really proud and satisfied with the high level of the works presented.
Personally, it was my first time on such a situation, with an international audience in an academic context like that was, and I felt reasonably satisfied with the results of this experience. I received positive, both detailed and comprehensive feedback that will help me improve my speaking skills in the future. Good vibrations, then.
The Lighting Handbook by the Spanish Lighting Association (1931) Recovering the history of lighting design in Spain from Alberto Barberá Duelo on Vimeo.
Thanks again to everybody at the organization! It has been a privilege to share this space with such talented colleagues from around the world.
And congratulations to the winners of the Vox Juventa award:
Daria Casciani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
(Don't miss to check out the fantastic articles of Mrs. Casciani: www.dariacasciani.wordpress.com)
And Kerem Asfuroglu (Hochschule Wismar, Master in Architectural Lighting Design, Germany)
(RECOMMENDED) You can have access to the whole conferences of the Symposium following this link: